Alaberoon (those who crossed over) are all, people who were born for Muslim families, lived as Muslims, thinking and believing that they are following the one and only true path that will please the Almighty, but encountered Jesus. Then Jesus Himself, changed their lives forever and made it possible through His blood that they can have eternal salvation!

It is very likely, if you are visiting us today, that you are either have crossed or considering to take this major step.  We pray that through what you will see and hear on these pages, you will be able to truly

surrender your life in the hands of the One Great God, and to follow, Jesus who had made redemption and eternal life possible for you!


Alaberoon, is meant to be a community for true followers of Jesus Christ, who are here to support one another, encourage one another and enjoy the Headship of Christ, in their new life!


I encourage you to visit the different pages, sign up, engage, get to know us better, and let us know you better, so we can sharpen one another. On Alaberoon, you can send us any question, prayer request, problem, needs or challenge, and we will respond!


May the Lord Jesus who died “….for the scattered children of God, to bring them together and make them one.” John 11:52, bless you and keep you in Him.



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